Complete Doctor & Dentist Lists

311,133 Active Dentists

Includes 50,271 Email Addresses


Dentist List

Dentist First Name
Dentist Last Name
Email Address: 50,271
Dentist Title
Dentist Complete Address
Dentist Phone
Dentist Fax (if available)
Dentist Specialty 
1,061,221 Doctors & Physicians

Includes 50,080 Email Addresses

Business Name
Physician Name
Email Address: 50,080
Physician Title
 Complete Address
 Doctor Phone
 Doctor Fax (as available)
 Primary Specialty
SIC Code
SIC Description
Employee Count
Sales Volume (as available)

Only $497.00

Todays Special
1,371,813 Records
Practice Name Gender as avail.
Excel Format
Complete Address
Phone Updated
City, State, Zip
Fax: As avail.

Email: 100,351
Instant Download
Physician Name
SIC Code

Title & Specialty
SIC Description

Complete US Physicians Database plus Email Database
1,117,536 Records
- Mailing Database:
Gender as avail.
As Available = AA
Business Name
Phone Employees AA

Sales AA
County Specialty NCOA Validated
Physician Name
SIC Code

SIC Description

- Email Database
Updated Monthly
Contact Name
Title Gender
NCOA Valid
Specialty SIC Code
Instant Download
Email: 64,645
SIC Description

Business Address Excel Format

Doctor and Dentist Email List Package
100,351 Records
Business Name Phone Number
Sales Volume
Contact Name
Fax # (as available) NCOA Validated
Email Address
Website (as available)  
Contact Title
SIC Code

Complete Address
SIC Description

Employee Count


- Send up to 400,000 Emails/mo.
- No Set-up Fees
- Month-to-Month
- Plans from $49/mo.
- Click "More Info" to View All Plans

   8 Reasons To Buy: Doctor List

 Instant Download - After your order is processed you will receive an email with your Physician Database download link... most downloads are Instant!

 Disk Delivery - In addition to an email download, we also provide an option for you to receive a disk copy of your data sent priority mail, so you'll always have a backup copy.

Quality Guarantee - Our Physician Database is updated weekly against the National Change of Address Directory (NCOA), allowing us to guarantee that a minimum of 95% of your direct mail pieces will be delivered as addressed. Email delivery rates typically average 85% or higher.

Discounted File Updates - When we have an update available, we notify you via email and you will only pay a small  update fee, typically only 1/3rd of the initial list cost... instead of having to buy the entire database all over again! Complete updates are released quarterly and are 100% optional. There are no subscriptions required.

You Own the List - Once you Purchase a Physician Database from us, you OWN the List an may use the data as often as you like. You are not "renting" the list on a per-use basis, as you do with our competitors. Please refer to our TOS for full details and limitations.

Related Lists Available- we have hundreds of Related databases available... click here to see a few..

 Formatted In Excel - Every list is already formatted in Excel and is capable of import/export into just about any application or CRM.

Customer Support - We answer our phones 12/7 (7am - 7pm), PST, 7-days a week. We are also available by Live-Chat and e-mail for additional support options. We are here to help.


"Just got the instant download. Everything is exactly as described.  Thank you." - Gail

"Of all the list companies you are the only one who actually answered the phone. Thanks for the great customer service." - Thomas

"I have to say that was just about the easiest purchase I have ever made on the internet.  Once I placed my order I had my list within a matter of minutes and also got a few follow up emails just to make sure everything was ok.  What other lists do you have?" - Karin

We have had great success with our list... I would refer you guys to anyone.  - Jim